Monday, March 31, 2014

Zoo Field Trip

We will be taking a field trip to the Montgomery Zoo and Mann Museum on May 6th. Please check your child's homework folder for a letter. 

This form must be returned to school by April 11th!!!

If you have any questions, please let me know!!

March 31, 2014

We will not have a reading test this week due to the Thursday field trip. We will be working a few skills and have a quiz on Friday. Next week we will begin reading Stone Fox.

Math Test
We will have a math test this Wednesday. 

Important Dates
April 3- Desoto Caverns Field Trip
April 18 - Easter Holiday
May 6 -Zoo Field Trip

Spelling words -  Our test will be on FRIDAY!!!!!!
splint, splash, splatter, sprinkle, sprout, spring, strap, strike, string, streak, stronger, spun, stories, sticky, slap
bonus words to study: Desoto Caverns, Childersburg, formations. (Study all three of these words during the week. I will pick one on Thursday to use as the bonus word.)
We will also have a dictation sentence each week.

Reading:  no Reading homework
Spelling: Study spelling words
Math: worksheet or workbook page (depending upon the skill)
Classwork: finish any classwork not finished at school

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014

Yearbook Sale has been extended until this Wednesday!!!! The books are $50.

Math Test
We will have a math test this Tuesday. 

Important Dates
March 24-28 - Spring Break
April 3- Desoto Caverns Field Trip
April 18 - Easter Holiday

Spelling words
offer, winner, zipper, will, well, he'd, isn't, taking, monkeys, stitches, used, cutting, clippers, saving, died
bonus words to study: St. Patrick's Day, shamrock, leprechaun. (Study all three of these words during the week. I will pick one on Thursday to use as the bonus word.)
We will also have a dictation sentence each week.

Reading:  study vocabulary for chapters 11-15 of The Cricket in Times Square
Spelling: Study spelling words
Math: worksheet or workbook page (depending upon the skill)
Classwork: finish any classwork not finished at school

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

THIS FRIDAY will be dismissing at 12:30!!!!!

We will be taking all of our tests for the week on Thursday!!!! 

Our spelling test will on Wednesday!!!

Math Test
We will have a math test this Tuesday. 
Important Dates
March 14 - Field Trip money due
March 24-28 - Spring Break
April 3- Desoto Caverns Field Trip

Spelling words
playground, underground, chalkboard, cardboard, spacewalk, sidewalk, rainbow, anything, campfire, eyelash, shoelace, something, overprinting, neighborhood, sometimes
bonus words to study: tournament, competition, clover. (Study all three of these words during the week. I will pick one on Thursday to use as the bonus word.)
We will also have a dictation sentence each week.

Reading:  study vocabulary for chapters 6-10 of The Cricket in Times Square
Spelling: Study spelling words
Math: worksheet or workbook page (depending upon the skill)
Classwork: finish any classwork not finished at school

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dr. Seuss Week

Here are a few pictures from the activities that we are doing this week to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Monday - Oh the THINKS You Can Think! - We used our imagination to "think up a new think"!!!

Tuesday - The Foot Book - We painted with our feet using paint brushes!!!
 Getting Started

 We got a little messy!!!!

 The finished products!!!!

Wednesday - Dress up day and The Cat in the Hat - The students wrote about what they would do if the Cat in the Hat came to play with them

My camera battery died while taking these so I will post pictures of our writing activity tomorrow. Sorry!!!!

Thursday - The Sneetches - Sneetch Glyph

Friday - Bartholomew and the OOBLECK - We made Oobleck

You can use the following website to find the recipe for Oobleck.

I hope they have had as much fun this week as I have!!!!! They will bring home their projects on Monday.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Just a few things

Here are a few things that I think you should know:

1. We are having a dress up day on Wednesday of this week for Dr. Seuss week. Your child is welcome to dress up but please make sure it is something they can function in all day. Please no "extra" accessories.

2. ALL field trip money is due March 14!!!!!!

3. If your child will be going on the cheer trip to Disney, please let me know what days they will not be at school so that I can plan around that for next week. Let me know this by Wednesday!!!!

4. ALL Art Show projects are due this Wednesday.

March 3, 2014

Math Test
We will have a math test this Tuesday. 

We will not be using our Reading Books for now. We started a novel unit this morning and will finish it before Spring Break. We are reading the book The Cricket in Times Square in class together. We will have tests on this book weekly along with vocabulary words. The students will not be bringing home the reading book until further notice.
Important Dates
March 14 - Field Trip money due
March 24-28 - Spring Break
April 3- Desoto Caverns Field Trip

Spelling words
berries, bunnies, guppies, hobbies, pennies, puppies, ponies, babies, donkeys, families, dollars, horses, sleeves, cowboys, britches
bonus words to study: cricket, Times Square, cherries. (Study all three of these words during the week. I will pick one on Thursday to use as the bonus word.)
We will also have a dictation sentence each week.

Reading:  study vocabulary for chapters 1-5 of The Cricket in Times Square
Spelling: Study spelling words
Math: worksheet or workbook page (depending upon the skill)
Classwork: finish any classwork not finished at school